Former description: WATF (Web Application Testing Framework) emulates browser with JavaScript support (aka IE, or Netscape) and provides convenient testing facilities for verification of JavaScript-based applications. It is designed to be used for developers, who use JavaScript for their projects intensively. WATF was developed by Actimind during preliminary phase of one of our research projects. It helped us to verify effectiveness of front-end regression testing of Web Applications. This phase is over and WATF is no longer distributed. Honestly speaking, this framework was a very immature to be able to test complex enough applications. However, we've proved that test automation can be cost-effective for the particular types of web applications and we are continuing working in this direction. Currently we're working on actiWATE - freeware Web Application Testing Environment that is supposed to be a final result of this part of our R&D work. If you would like to know more about the actiWATE, please visit actiWATE's home page at or contact our R&D department by Any material and information, related to WATF, which were published here before, including but not limited to software code, documentation, charts, screen layouts, samples and testing materials, are to be considered as intellectual property of Actimind, Inc. Unauthorized use of intellectual property is protected by law and may result in legal proceeding.